Asus Eee PC 900

Asus sudah mulai menggelontorkan produk netbook terbarunya yang diberi nama Asus Eee PC 900. Salah satu fitur terbarunya utama yang dipasarkan Asus kali ini adalah produknya yang tahan guncangan, kapasitas penyimpanan yang lebih besar serta fitur-fitur yang mudah pakai.

PC 900 memiliki layar berukuran 8,9 inci, lebih lebar 1,9 inci dibanding generasi pertamanya. Dengan resolusi 1024 x 600, Anda dapat menampilkan halaman A4 tanpa perlu melakukan scroll kiri atau kanan sehingga kegiatan membaca dan menyunting dokumen menjadi lebih mudah. Eee PC 900 ini juga dilengkapi dengan webcam dengan resolusi 1,3 MP dan berat kurang dari satu kilogram.

Netbook ini datang dengan dua versi yaitu versi Windows dan Linux. Dari sisi kinerja Keduanya memiliki memori/RAM 1GB dengan waktu startup Asus 30 detik (Linux) dan 45 detik (Windows).

Spesifikasi lengkapnya:

Tampilan Layar 8.9", resolusi 1024 x 600
Warna Pearl white / Black
Intel CPU & Chipset Intel® Mobile CPU & Chipset
Memori DDR II 1GB
Display Card Intel UMA
S.S.D. Storage (Solid-State Disk) 12GB (4GB built-in + 8GB flash) SSD (Versi Microsoft Windows)
20GB (4GB built-in +16GB flash) SSD (Versi Linux)
Audio Audio HD / speaker terintegrasi
WLAN 802.11b/g terintegrasi
Kamera Webcam 1.3M Pixel
Storage Card SD / MMC (SDHC)
Input / Output 3xUSB / VGA-out (D-Sub, 15pin) / jack earphone / mic / RJ45 10/100 Mbps
Daya Output: 12V, 36W; Input: 100-240V AC, 50/60Hz universal
Sistem Operasi Windows® XP Home / Linux
Dimensi 22.5cm(Panjang) x 17.0cm(Lebar) x 2cm~3.38cm(Tinggi)
Berat 0.99 kg

Dari segi harga Asus Eee PC 900 dengan OS Windows dibandrol dengan harga Rp5,9 juta sedangkan OS Linux lebih murah 200 ribu atau sekira Rp5,7 juta. Masing-masing versi tersedia dalam dua warna yaitu Pearl White/Black. Detil lebih lanjut dapat anda lihat dari situs resmi Asus.
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Keyboard tanpa tombol

No-Key Keyboard (Gearlog)

Jakarta - Sebuah terobosan baru ditawarkan untuk menggantikan keyboard yang selama ini kita kenal. Yakni sebuah keyboard yang tidak memiliki tombol huruf seperti keyboard pada umumnya.

Keyboard nyentrik ini diperkenalkan oleh Kong Fanwen. No-Key Keyboard tersebut terbuat dari kaca yang menampilkan lambang huruf di permukaannya.

Dikutip detikINET dari Gearlog, Jumat (13/6/2008), keyboard kaca tersebut terdiri kamera dan motion capture untuk menangkap huruf apa yang sedang diketik serta dilengkapi beberapa pencahayaan di dalamnya.

Mungkin gagasan tentang Noy-Key Keyboard ini bisa disebut unik. Namun, bagi kita yang telah terbiasa menyentuh dan merasakan tombol-tombol huruf saat mengetik, akan merasa aneh dengan keyboard yang satu ini.

Belum bisa dipastikan apakah keyboard ini nantinya akan dilempar ke pasaran atau tidak. Kita tunggu saja.
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How to Create a Fog Effect in Photoshop

k In this lesson, you will learn step by step how to create a fog. We will also add a picture fantasy character which will be walking on our landscape.

Final Image Preview

How to Create a Fog


Step 1

Start by opening forest image. Go to Image > Image size to reduce photo size to 1000px width and 669px height.
How to Create a Fog 1

Step 2

To create a sense of dense fog on the distance and dispersion on the foreground, we will make a few layers of fog, but with different gradations of saturation. Create a new layer (press Shift+Ctrl+N) and fill it with white color by using Paint Bucket Tool, then set up opacity to 95% for current layer. After that we need to create mask for current layer. Use Select > Load Selection to select layer content, then use Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All to create mask for all layer. Now remove selection with Ctrl+D and move to the next step. Select the Gradient Tool and fill our layer with linear black-and-white gradient as you can see on the picture below:
How to Create a Fog 2

Step 3

Select the Eraser Tool (Soft Brush, Size: 100px, Opacity: 20%) and make a few strokes with brush on Layer Mask area and paint over the nearest tree and stone, the middle and foreground.
How to Create a Fog 3

Step 4

To achieve the effect of realistic fog (the fog has the ability to climb and irregularly travel along the ground) first of all press D to set up foreground and background colors black and white, then create a new layer and apply Filter > Render > Clouds:
How to Create a Fog 4

Step 5

After applying filter to layer, change layer mode to Screen and set up opacity to 40%.
How to Create a Fog 5

Step 6

We are now going to add goddess picture. Open the picture and copy it to our main canvas. Then use Edit > Free Transform to reduce picture of Goddess a little bit and move it left like on my screenshot, which you can see below:
How to Create a Fog 6

Step 7

Duplicate goddess current layer with Layer > Duplicate Layer (or press Ctrl+J) and hide the bottom copy (click on the eye, which indicates layer visibility). Go to upper copy and change blending mode to Screen for this layer.
How to Create a Fog 7

Step 8

Now we need to create mask for current layer. Use Select > Load Selection to select layer content, then use Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All to create mask for all the layer. Now remove selection with Ctrl+D and select the Brush Tool (Opacity: 45%) with soft round brush and paint background area with black color.
How to Create a Fog 8

Step 9

Go back to the hidden copy of layer and make it visible again. Use Select > Load Selection to select layer content, then use Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All again to create mask for all layer. Now remove selection with Ctrl+D and select the Brush Tool (Opacity: 61%) with soft round brush and paint background area with black color again.
How to Create a Fog 9

Final Image

Set opacity to 34% up for current layer and we are done with our tutorial.
How to Create a Fog
Keep on experimenting and you will get different techniques and effects.
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Create A Grungy Social Media Icon

This is a tutorial for beginners, in fact it explains some basic techniques in order to realize a nice social media icon. We hope that you can find useful this post.

First of all, you need the following material to complete the tutorial: Grunge Paper Texture from Alfian.

Step 0

Let’s start, create new file with a size of 512×512 px, 72 dpi, RGB. Activate Ellipse shape tool. shift+click to create a circle.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 1

Add layer stye: Drop Shadow and Stroke (Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow and Layer > Layer Style > Stroke). Use settings shown below.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 2

In Layers panel, right click on the small “fx” icon at the end of circle layer and choose Create Layers. With this trick you can create the layers for the style, separating them from their layer.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 3

Create another circle, same size and layer style as previous one (or duplicate it). Move it to top right corner.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 4

Click Layer > Create Clipping Mask. This step will cut the second circle and put it inside first circle.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 5

Download paper grunge texture from deviantart. Place it above all layers and change its blend mode to Overlay.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 6

Click Layer > Create Clipping Mask. The texture will be inside the circle.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 7

Create a new layer (ctrl+shift+N) and with the Gradient Tool draw a white to black gradient. Change layer’s blend mode to Multiply.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 8

Again, click Layer > Create Clipping Mask.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 9

Hold down ctrl key and click all layers to select them. Hit ctrl+G to place all layers inside a group.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 10

Using Polygonal Lasso Tool to select a section of the circle as shown below in the image.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 11

Press ctrl+shift+I to reverse the selection.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 12

Click Add Layer Mask icon. This operation will add a layer mask to the group and it will hide unselected areas.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 13: Add Twitter’s Logo

So, we’ve just created a base for our icon. The next step is adding the logo of the web application. Go to Twitter and save its logo image.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop
In Photoshop, drag logo image to our icon file.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 14

For Twitter, we just need to add the “t”. So, erase “witter” text and press ctrl+T to resize the “t” of the logo.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 15

Activate Pen Tool. Choose shape icon from option bar and change foreground color to #4cd9ff. Carefully trace the “t” shape to redraw manually the logo.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 16

Add layer style Stroke to the logo. Use the settings shown below.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop
Here’s what we have so far.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 17: Save as Transparent PNG Icon

Now we need to remove empty areas around the icon. Click Image > Trim and click OK.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop
Click eye icon in front of “Background” layer to hide it. Now, we have a transparent icon.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop

Step 18

Click File > Save For Web & Device, choose Preset PNG-24 with Transparency. Click save to create a transparent PNG icon.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop


Our icon is flexible, we can use it for adding many logo: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, anything. All you have to do just add a character or the logo inside it. If you have other nice idea on creating icon, please share it in comment form below. Don’t forget: we love our reader, along this tutorial we will give you a free set of icon and its raw PSD file. Click here to download.
Create A Grungy And Sticky Icon With Photoshop
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